It’s bad enough that the BLM is capturing hundreds of perfectly healthy wild horses who are thriving in the 606,000-acre Silver King Herd Management Area south of Ely, Nevada. What’s worse is that some of the horses who have lost their freedom now appear to be missing.
According to the BLM’s own “Gather Reports,” a total of 296 wild horses were stampeded and driven into traps on the Silver King HMA through Thursday, September 30th. However, only 222 of them can be accounted for: 193 have purportedly been shipped to the Broken Arrow facility in Fallon, Nevada, which is currently closed to outside observers, and 29 stallions have been sent to the impenetrable Gunnison Prison in Utah. Where are the other 74 horses?
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The BLM continues to demonstrate that it doesn’t think it has to follow its own rules. It’s bad enough that it’s decimating wild horse herds throughout the west; it’s worse that the agency is ignoring its own protocols as to how these horses should be handled. If you want to get involved, join Grass Roots Horse, and contribute to its Wild Horse Legal Defense Fund.
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